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With Gifted Evidential Psychic Medium Angel Dawn

A Spiritual Intuitive


Psychic Mediumship is one of my greatest passions. It never ceases to amaze me and my clients at the information that is brought forth when I work with my guides, and angels. In my psychic readings, I strive to bring forth very specific information that is very helpful to you and not generalized that could apply to others. I also strive to cover as much ground as possible in a reading so that it is rich, deep and multifaceted.

And above all, I strive to be deliver information sensitively and ethically without causing any undue harm as some topics must be handled carefully. Part of the job is delivering information that one needs to hear and not what one wants to hear, but that is part of being an ethical practitioner. Ultimately, I just let the the spirit guides and higher cosmic forces bring forth anything that is for your highest and greatest good with utmost respect for your journey. 


Total Confidentiality

This is a highly safe, private space where each client and their concerns are respected and held in confidence without any judgment. Know that all information disclosed within sessions is private, confidential and protected. Feel secure in knowing that your earthly guide and spiritual advisor is working for your greatest benefit to deliver what you need to know

A Trustworthy Advisor

Angel has received numerous certifications from elite Psychic Mediumship Academies (TMPTA, JVP) and the top three Astrology organizations (AFA, NCGR, ISAR) in the US which includes extensive Ethics training. She strives to be the best she can for herself and her clients by continuing to hone her skills through continued study. Her peers and clients speak very highly of her.

Relevant Specifics

Receive information that is specific and relevant to your greatest concerns. She practices Evidential Psychic Mediumship which stresses specifics that pertain specifically to you and can not be easily generalized for others. And Astrology brings forth highly detailed, uniue information pertaining only to you. She strives for depth, accuracy and specifics.


Certified Psychic Medium
& Spiritual Advisor

Angel is an empath, gifted intuitive and rare individual who is one of the world’s few Psychic Astrologers.


Angel is an acclaimed Spiritual Intuitive who has appeared in top publications, major podcasts and more. She is also a Certified Spiritual Advisor (Advanced Psychic Medium) and Certified Astrologer with three of the top Internationally known Astrology Organizations. She is sought out for her integrity, deep expertise, accurate insights. 

Certified by Leading Organizations

The Psychic Medium
Training Academy
American Federation of Astrologers
National Council of Geocosmic Research
Intl. Society of Astrological Research

What to Expect During a Psychic Reading with Me


In a Psychic Reading, I like to start off with setting positive intentions and bringing in our spiritual guides — yes, everyone has them — and a protective shield to raise the vibration of the reading both for everyone involved and particularly the one delivering the reading to access spiritual information.

I do not ask questions, except to receive a simple "yes, no or "I don't know" when I ask for validation of the information given. All you need to do is primarily sit and listen with an open and receptive mind, free from any present distractions. Taking occasional notes as memory aids is encouraged. Make sure that you have some sort of hydration nearby.

There is no need to say much of anything except for the end of the reading where time is allocated for feedback, comments and questions on the information given. That's it!

What a Mediumship Reading Is


A Mediumship reading is one where the Medium connects to the souls of those who have departed the earthly plane and crossed over into the spirit world. Everyone is spirit, it's just that we currently have a body and those in the spirit world no longer have theirs. Eventually when we pass, we will become spirit.

A Medium has specifically trained themselves to be receptive to the presence of spiritual beings and their communication utilizing their "clairs" — clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairvoyance and other less common ones. Furthermore, a good Medium is trained to deliver the information in a way that makes sense to the recipient and to deliver the message from spirit to their loved ones. Know that our loved ones are constantly around us.

Mediumship has been practiced in some shape or form by ancient cultures around the world. More recently, Evidential Mediumship emerged which is a very rigorous form of Mediumship originally codified by the British in the 20th Century into a highly disciplined form that stresses hard, specific evidence and proof of existence after death. That is the form I practice.

Wow. I've been to a few psychics, and Angel Dawn is one of the best. She uses Evidential Mediumship, meaning confirming with you through yes/no only, she describes and verifies the person coming through is yours, and what she is saying relates to your situations. She was able to confirm in detail things I need to do in my career, personal tasks, and romantically. After meeting with her for the Psychic Reading, I decided to have my Predictive Astrology (a combination of future astrology and psychic reading) done with her, and that was a lot of information and quite helpful! Highly recommended.
L. Warren

What a Psychic Reading Is


Everything is energy and all humans are born with an intuition. A psychic is basically one who has has honed their intuition to such a degree as to discern energy at a highly refined level so as to access energetic information both within the individual, surrounding them and within the universal energy matrix all beings reside within.

In some ways, everyone is psychic as the word originates from the Latin root word, psyche or "of the soul." Not many people listen to their intuition or have learned to listen to it. It is a very subtle art that can be likened to gut instinct or a hunch, but harnessed towards accessing higher information at higher frequencies.

A psychic reading at its highest form is a spiritual reading that accesses cosmic knowledge that runs through the very fabric of the universe, that is specifically focused on the individual and their life. The reading itself is a reflection of the psychic: their level of sensitivity, awareness, ethics and spiritual connection.

A Unique Spiritual Practitioner


I am unique in that I have mastered two very different disciplines, both actually different in practice and study: Intuition (Psychic Mediumship) and Astrology. In fact there are Psychics that are not Mediums and vice-versa. I have intensively studied all.

On top of this, Astrology is a very deep, academic and complicated science and art which has been at the foundation of every culture for thousands of years. Its processes and procedures are very analytical and left-brained, which runs counter to the way most Intuitives work. I take pride in the mastery of both disciplines, left and right brain, something that is rare and not easily achievable both by natural ability or study.

I am a Psychic, a Medium and an expert Astrologer and have the Professional Certifications to prove it.

Psychic Readings

A Psychic raises their frequency (higher vibration) and expands their aura to connect to the sitter on a spiritual level no matter where they are located, even if it's on the other side of the world. The dotted lines can be seen as the Psychic's aura that connect to the sitter. Readings are essentially soul-to-soul with the latter providing permission to the Intuitive to tune in and read their energy which comprises many layers of energy. A psychic may also connect to information from higher etheric realms and that which is transmitted by Spiritual Guides. The results are dependent on the openness of the recipient and the skill of the sitter. Because the Psychic reads the energy of the sitter, the recipient must give permission and be open at a minimum.   

Mediumship Readings

A Medium raises their frequency to (higher vibration) and expand their aura to connect the very high vibrational spiritual realms. Spirits must lower their vibration to connect to the Medium. This is called "blending." The Spirit communicates in a language that is not similar to the spoken language — it is more abstract in nature as spirit does not have a physical body which uses mouth vocalizations. Spirit, though will use the senses of the Medium to try to communicate in a way that a Medium can mostly comprehend. The Medium will translate this information to the sitter as best they canand the results are dependent on what the sitter remembers of their loved one, the skill of the Medium and well the Spirit communicates.

How Psychic & Mediumship Readings Work


Angel has very deep accurate insights, practical advice and endless kindness. After the session I felt like the weight was lifted off my shoulders and I could see my life in a profoundly new, positive way. Thank you for this truly soul healing experience.


A spiritual intuitive reading tuning into the past, present and future of the individual that addresses their greatest unspoken concerns or needs.


Psychic Intuitive or Mediumship Reading


A Psychic Intuitive Reading combined with the depth of Astrology that often reinforces or deepens the insights delivered.


Psychic & Astrology Combo

Two Kinds of Readings

What to Do During a Mediumship Reading


Like a Psychic Reading, one just needs to present, open and receptive to the medium and information given, especially if this is your first time. Make sure that you keep your loved ones front and center in your mind and heart which will help the Medium tune into them.

A good Medium will be periodically asking for validation of the information that is given and one can simply say, "yes, no or I don't know."  One can also provide brief clarification, but it's good to not say too much as genuine Medium will want as little information from the sitter as possible.

It's also good practice, to write down and remember as much as possible about loved ones in spirit prior to the reading, even the ones that one was not close to. This helps jog one's memory and help one to recall details when the Medium provides them in a reading. Oftentimes a recipient will forget detials but recall them later after the reading is done.

Benefits of a Psychic Reading May Include:

Navigating the Present & Future

Knowing future influences
Seeing windows of opportunity
Help making critical decisions

Obtaining direction in life

Ultimate Peace-of-Mind

Confirmation of preexisting hunches & feelings
Greater trust and conviction in life
Beneficial life shifts

Spiritual understanding

Deeper Clarity & Insights

Knowing soul purpose
Realizing gifts, talents and potential

Clarity on perplexing decisions or situations
Answers on relationships

Readings For All Concerns

Career &

Gain deeper clarity on your strengths and challenges in regards to your career and income. Discover how to maximize your success and knowing whether your current path is in full alignment with your life goals and purpose.

Purpose &

A reading is a wonderful opportunity to gain clarity on what your soul's purpose is for this lifetime. Understand what you are here for, what you are learning and how you can achieve deeper fulfillment in these areas.

Love &

Know whether any significant relationships are a part of your future destiny or about the current issues and patterns in your present friendships, business partnerships or romantic partnerships.

Family &

Learn how to best navigate challenges with current or extended family including children. Uncover how to best handle situations for your own or their greatest well-being. Family and marital dynamics may be addressed in detail.

Healing &

Intentions are always set for information that clarifies, empowers and heals the recipient regarding current or past experiences. And in mediumship readings, one can connect with loved ones which provides powerful healing and closure.


Deeper information regarding one's soul's evolution, history and destiny may be uncovered in a reading. Gain understanding on why events have occurred and what this present incarnation means.



A Psychic Reading can deliver extraordinary information unobtainable by no other means while Astrology readings are known for their precision, depth and detail. Each aspect will highlight unique information that often reinforce the primary messages for your benefit.

Now for the first time, experience a reading combining two very different but complementary disciplines that enrich each other from an experienced, Certified Professional. Why combine both? Each type of reading has its unique strengths that are maximized in this session.

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