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Working with a Psychic Near Me or Online — Things to Know

Updated: Sep 15


Psychic Medium Readings are not limited by space and time
Psychic Readings utilize energetic and spiritual abilities
Appearances can be deceiving... and distracting too
Remote readings have many advantages

Psychic Medium readings near me or you are not limited by space and time

The advent of the digital age along with the pandemic accelerated the shift to remote work, online services and ecommerce in all aspects of society. Psychic readings have not been an exception. While, there were those who offered in-person readings, in truth, this sacred art has never limited by geography, proximity or even time to those who understand how it works. Now with the full embrace of a plugged-in, hyper-connected society, online readings fully dominate to become the default, rather than an exception.

A segment of the population still automatically clings to the notion that psychic readings are best when the psychic medium is physically present. Or that the readings will be more accurate when they can physically connect with the Psychic Medium in person. Yet another notion, is that the intuitive would be able to read the sitter better when being in their presence. None of this is true.

To drive this point home, many people still search online using phrases like “psychic readings near me” or even for “the best psychic reader near me," which goes to show a basic misunderstanding of how this spiritual science works. If one was visiting their psychic every week like purchasing groceries then maybe this convenience could feel good in its immediacy. But this advantage is tenuous at best. Psychic readings is the act of reading soul energy that is not limited by physical time and space in a three-dimensional world. This gives one wide latitude in the intuitive that they choose to work with. Knowing this, this gives one the freedom to work with anyone, anywhere, no matter where they are located.

Two hands holding globe span distances
Psychic energy and source

Psychic readings utilize energetic and spiritual abilities

In a reading, the intuitive connects to a person's aura and soul energy through a myriad of ways that are all unique to the individual. Some of this happens with conscious actions, others in a not-so conscious way. The universe, as one should know, is a great cosmic field of unified energy with a higher spiritual intelligence. Every being or entity in this world exists within a tightly meshed framework (the unified field) interconnected with others, in which humans are play a significant part. Therefore a psychic medium intuitively taps into the intricate network of cosmic information to decode this — the individual's specific energy and auric field to see the past, present and future within an individualized psychic reading.

The location of the recipient is irrelevant to the reading. The person does not need to be sitting in front of the psychic medium, in the next room, the same city or even the same country. Much like Mediumship, Psychic Readings are soul-to-soul, spirit-to-spirit. The difference is that we, as living beings are spirits embodied in flesh, rather than pure disembodied spirits. And this does not change the outcome of psychic readings in any way. An experienced Psychic Medium, though does wil need to raise their vibration high enough to connect to spirit energy.

In Mediumship, the Psychic Medium will connect to the soul energy of beings who gather close in a reading to translate the information that spirit transmits to the Medium. Spirit speaks in a language that transcends the mundane physical languages requiring sound and/or vocalizations, it is the language of pure light — emotion, vibration, thought forms, color and above all, love. It doesn't matter where the Psychic Medium is, whether the depths of the ocean or the peaks of the Himalayas, spirit will come when necessary. Some loved ones are there all the time watching over over their loved ones.

Human aura and spiritual energy
Human aura and spiritual energy

Appearances can be deceiving... and distracting too.

Whatever the type of reading: "psychic readings near me," "near you" or "far away" — they will all work identically with the intuitive connecting into the energetic matrix of the recipient which is etheric and intangible. One would like to think that being in close proximity to the psychic reader would be advantageous, but it can actually be a detriment to the reader at times.

For example, the appearance of someone who arrives at a reading can very misleading. A teacher once related a story of how a beautiful, elegantly dressed woman walked through her door. Her dress and composure could easily mislead one, but luckily due to the Psychic's experience and strong intuition, she was able to see through the facade, to know that this woman was a raging alcoholic who had a severe addiction.

A good psychic medium will be able to see through those seductive visuals, but many professionals cannot deny the distraction someone's appearance can create and this can include a person's demeanor during a reading. For example, some people will sit with crossed arms, scowl, glare or continuously shift uncomfortably during a reading. Another teacher talked about a client lunging at their neck when they brought forth a deceased spirit whom the recipient abhorred. At that moment, the client could not distinguish between the spirit and the Medium! All of this impacts the quality of the reading as it creates a negative energy which can impedes the success of the reading. Online readings are not immune from these pitfalls, but it can create a form of safety and comfort for the Psychic Medium. And one would want their intuitive to be relaxed and functioning at their best to obtain the best results possible!

Dramatic situations aside, good Psychic Mediums must be able to navigate all kinds of pitfalls, but it does not change the fact that intuitives are sensitive to energy, including that which is consciously or subconsciously transmitted by a client. A great intuitive works to avoid internal bias as much as possible, even though implicit bias occasionally rears its head.

That is why many prefer to avoid looking at their client and some prefer phone readings altogether. In my readings I do both: Zoom online session or phone which have been very successful. I feel that Zoom provides a good balance, but phone readings can provide a great measure of privacy for clients who do not want to be seen.

Remote readings have many advantages

Some people also live in areas that are physically remote and far from other larger cities, whereby online readings would easily fulfill their needs. Undoubtedly, the convenience of not having to drive far to see a top professional is amazing in this day and age. Also people are in different mental, physical or emotional states when they come to a reading, suffering from a physical debilities, traumas or at a point in their life where leaving the house is difficult. This is where the convenience of remote videoconferencing or phone makes all the difference. Your Psychic Medium is but a mouse-click away!

Nowadays, people are doing all kinds of therapeutic consultations online, including getting powerful energy healing, psychotherapy, life coaching and more. Psychic Readings are on top of this curve, emerging as a powerful form of guidance and therapy that have been billed as the "new life coaches" by the New York Times. I would venture to say that it would be the most powerful in that it extracts information that no modern Western practices could scientifically obtain. Psychic readings go above and beyond what is known on the superficial levels to access spiritual information that resides underneath all of reality.

Two hands reaching out transmitting energy
Making the heart and soul connection

The Bottomline

Whether you still have a "Psychic Reading near me" or you, know that it will not impact the quality in any way, shape or form. Most of all it will come down to who you feel most comfortable with, their training, experience and/or qualifications, and their sincerity in helping your situation by delivering information in a way that is ethical, compassionate and sincere.

With Blessings,

Angel Dawn

Angel is an elite Certified Astrologer and Psychic Medium based in Los Angeles, serving clients all over the US and world.


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