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Get answers to commonly asked questions
  • Do you predict the future?
    Psychic work in many ways is predictive work. Psychics look at the current trajectory of your energy and mindset which gives a very high probability that certain things will happen along with any agreements or contracts that your soul has agreed to. Some things are predestined while other things are changeable based on your free will. Human souls exist in a vast, intricate, interconnected universal network whose life intersects with other human beings in ways that are often not accidental.
  • Do I have free will?
    In actuality, within this universe of duality that defines all things, fate and free will are occurring simultaneously. Realize that many experiences, events and interpersonal connections in life are ultimately predestined as you already come into this world with a soul purpose, previous karma, unique energies, soul contracts, and experiences that have been chosen by you or for you for desired outcomes. That being said, it is important to operate with the impression that you have choice. Remember that any information given during readings is still up to you to accept or reject and is a reflection of the current trajectory of your life and mindset.
  • I'm looking for Psychic Readings near me. Can you help?
    Certainly. Angel may be based in Los Angeles, but she exclusively services clients from all around the world. Psychic readings have never been dependent on proximity of the psychic reader to client as they are purely spiritual, soul-to-soul connections that are not dependent on physical time and space. The human spirit and eternal soul is not bound by these limitations in any way. Nowadays, in a post-covid world, this arrangement has accelerated and now, virtually all psychic mediums and readers work exclusively online or by phone. An online zoom session can be audio or face-to-face. This provides the convenience of a private reading in the comfort of your own home. Phone calls are also an option.
  • How often can one get a Psychic Reading?
    The purpose of these readings are to empower you and confirm what you mostly already know, deep-down inside. It's permission-given guidance. The purpose is to not make you dependent on these readings, but for you to take the information given in your highest good and implement them in your life. It takes time for these things to occur. I recommend psychic or mediumship readings at most a few times a year, no more than one every four months. For astrology or healing sessions, this not the case as astrology readings can cover different areas of focus. And multiple healing sessions may be required as certain ailments, mental or emotional blockages may be very deep. What took many, many years to develop may not always disappear in one session, but the difference should still be noticeable and the benefits significant.
  • Are Psychic powers real?
    Everyone has psychic ability as it's an innate language of the soul self. The word "psychic" comes from the latin word, psyche, meaning "of the soul." It's just simply another word for intuition, instincts, sixth sense, gut feeling, etc... albeit at a much more refined and highly developed level. Many Psychics and Mediums have worked hard to develop their abilities, much like any other skill that exists in this world. The variability in ability occurs based on a person's innate aptitude and personal effort.
  • What do I do during a Psychic Reading?
    Coming to a reading with an open, calm mindset in a space without distractions is desired. Additionally, for the best experience and non-biased guidance, please refrain from providing excessive feedback when asked questions such as, "Do you understand this? or Does this make sense?" A simple, yes, no or "I don't know" will suffice which helps the reading stay on track. That way I can give you the evidence before you give it to me. No need to volunteer too much information. After all it's the intuitive's job to provide it to you! There will be an opportunity for further questions or comments at the end if the answers have not already been brought up during the reading. Again, coming to the reading with a relaxed, open state of mind is important to allow me to read your energy as it creates a better connection. Having a skeptical, defensive or negative mindset creates an invisible brick wall that prevents a spiritual connection whether it is intentional or not. This does no one any good, and prevents you from having the best experience possible.
  • Are you a Los Angeles Psychic?
    Yes. I am based in Los Angeles, California but serve clients throughout the entire US and the world.
  • Are Psychics accurate?
    The great Mavis Pittilla, a giant among mediums, once said, "that if she was 80% right, that would have been a good day." There are always potential inaccuracies due to the subjective aspects of this discipline and no Psychic Medium or Astrologer is 100% right regardless of what they promise. First, an Intuitive can misinterpret what they perceive even if the information they receive through their intuitive senses is correct. Secondly, the recipient may incorrectly misinterpret what the psychic says due to their own biases, prejudices, or distortions. And even in a very scientific field such as medicine, there are still errors and misdiagnoses happening. That is why people often get second opinions when visiting a doctor. That being said, a good psychic can still deliver amazingly evidential or detailed information.
  • Will I receive any materials?
    It depends on the type of session. Generally speaking, you will receive charts with any Natal Astrology session.
  • What is Psychic Astrology?
    Psychic Astrology merges two completely separate disciplines with two entirely different approaches to create a powerful union: Intuitive readings and Astrology chart interpretations. Psychics generally tap into the recipient's energy without using any tools or reference. In contrast, a traditional Astrologer references an individual's astrological chart that is calculated by software. They analyze this, along with any additional generated reports. So a Psychic Astrologer utilizes their in depth knowledge of Astrology and powerful intuition to give deeper, and more accurate insights than in a regular astrology reading. Once could say it was an ideal marriage between two fascinating worlds.
  • How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?
    You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
  • I'm looking for a Astrology Birth Chart Reading. Do you specialize in this?
    Yes, definitely. In astrology, birth chart readings are also called natal chart readings by astrologers. They are the core of our practice and must be analyzed before doing other analysis such progressed charts, which analyze the person's inner development and transits which look at external events that influence the birth chart. Chart reading is the core of a solid astrology practice.
  • Can you connect to a specific love one in spirit?
    No medium can guarantee a specific connection as it is like a one-way phone call. They can contact us at will, not the other way around. That being said, I do try to connect to who you are truly seeking to communicate with and I will ask whether I am connecting with who you wish to speak to towards the latter half of the reading. Most of the time, the desired person does come through and they are never "busy," or upset at being called upon! And if other peripheral loved ones do come through such as distant friends, family or loved ones; they can still have profound messages for you. There is always a universal intelligence at work letting you know what you need to know during a reading.
  • Can you connect to the spirit of pets?
    Yes, our dear animal companions are spirit just like us. They have just chosen to incarnate into the body of an animal for that lifetime. So many of them, are delightful, unique personalities with great intelligence. They know a lot more than they give on and have interesting things to say. Animals are also higher vibrational beings, so they can see, hear and feel more than we do. In fact most animals are naturally *very* psychic being close to their instincts and intuition.
  • My loved one just passed. Can you connect to them with mediumship?
    It is recommended that one wait a bit after a loved one's passing to hear from them. Mainly because the person seeking the reading goes through natural stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance as detailed in the well-known book: On Death & Dying by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. The grief from a recent passing can be overpowering, which can oftentimes prevent a person from processing what's said during a reading or reduce receptivity.
  • Do spirits actually exist?
    Yes, you and I and every human being on this planet is "Spirit." Spirit incarnate, which means an enigmatic, divine spark incarnated into physical form. Mediums, are highly trained intermediaries that communicate with spirits that do no have a body or physical form. When we die, we return to spirit essence. The famous quote by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin sums up this state, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
  • I'm looking for a Psychic Medium near me. Can you help me?
    Certainly. Angel is based in Los Angeles, but she exclusively services clients within the US and all around the world. Mediumship or Medium Readings have never been dependent on proximity of the Medium reader to client as they are purely spiritual, soul-to-soul connections that are not dependent on physical time and space. The human spirit and eternal soul is not bound by these limitations in any way. Nowadays, in a post-covid world, this arrangement has accelerated and now, virtually all psychic mediums and readers work online or by phone. An online zoom session can be audio or face-to-face. This provides the convenience of a private reading in the comfort of your own home. Phone calls are also an option.
  • Do you work with clients in person?
    All one-one sessions are by phone or online using Zoom Audio or Video. Private and group events are in person. You may turn your video on or off. The type of session you have has no impact on the quality of the information given. You will receive a confirmation email upon booking with a zoom link or alternately, I will call you at the phone number you have provided. Remote Psychic and Mediumship readings are not dependent on time and space as they are soul-to-soul communications, whether that soul is incarnated on the earth plane or in the spirit realm. We live in a linear world with time, but the spirit world is not bound by physics and transcends these limitations.
  • What forms of payment do you accept?
    All major credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and more. Apple Pay and Paypal is accepted.
  • Can I record your readings?
    Certainly and it especially advised for Astrology readings as there is a lot of content to digest.
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