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With Expert Certified
Astrologer Angel Dawn

From an Astrologer


Astrology is a miraculous art and science that has existed for thousands of years in every culture in the world. The reverence and wisdom for the stars and cosmos persists today in my practice — I am aim to carry forth the ancient and modern traditions to today for your benefit.

It is a complex specialty, one that requires a great degree of study, knowledge and discernment, as well as the ability to translate it into a language you can understand. Experience the power, depth and precision of an Astrology reading, one that is infinitely deep with abundant insights to mine. I continue to hone my skills as it is a life-long endeavor in the goals of achieving the most authentic and accurate readings for my clients.


Total Confidentiality

This is a highly safe, private space where each client and their concerns are respected and held in confidence without any judgment. Know that all information disclosed within sessions is private, confidential and protected. Feel secure in knowing that your earthly guide and spiritual advisor is working for your greatest benefit to deliver what you need to know

A Trustworthy Advisor

Angel has received numerous certifications from elite Psychic Mediumship Academies (TMPTA, JVP) and the top three Astrology organizations (AFA, NCGR, ISAR) in the US which includes extensive Ethics training. She strives to be the best she can for herself and her clients by continuing to hone her skills through continued study. Her peers and clients speak very highly of her.

Relevant Specifics

Receive information that is specific and relevant to your greatest concerns. She practices Evidential Psychic Mediumship which stresses specifics that pertain specifically to you and can not be easily generalized for others. And Astrology brings forth highly detailed, uniue information pertaining only to you. She strives for depth, accuracy and specifics.

Certified by Leading Organizations

The Psychic Medium
Training Academy
American Federation of Astrologers
National Council of Geocosmic Research
Intl. Society of Astrological Research

Certified Astrologer
& Spiritual Advisor

Angel is an empath, gifted intuitive and rare individual who is one of the world’s few Psychic Astrologers.


Angel is an acclaimed Spiritual Intuitive who has appeared in top publications, major podcasts and more. She is also a Certified Spiritual Advisor (Psychic Medium) and Certified Astrologer with three of the top Internationally known Astrology Organizations. She is sought out for her integrity, deep expertise, accurate insights. 

What to Expect During an Astrology Reading with Me


In my readings, I let the Astrology tell me what I need to know. Hence, I do not ask much questions, but I do ask for clarification or validation of the information given throughout the reading. Since this is a symbolic language, sometimes, certain things may mean a few similar things, so I will mentions that some or all of the possibilities mentioned may apply.


I like to show the recipient what their astrology chart looks like onscreen, but I emphasize for you to focus on what I say as what is shown is hard for a non-astrologer to decipher. Furthermore, I forego the technical lingo or at least explain it in a way an ordinary person can understand. Make sure that, you will be uninterrupted for the duration of the session and have something to drink.

What an Astrology Reading Is


An Astrology reading is an opportunity to fully discover what your soul planned to experience, learn and accomplish when incarnating on this physical plane. It is a star map of your earthly life that was imprinted on you the moment you crossed over from the spirit world to physical life — the moment of birth. No other human shares your unique astrological chart which is the precise moment in the universe than cannot or will not be ever replicated again. It is a snapshot of the cosmos and heaven of which you are the living embodiment. "As above so below."

You are the universe and the universe is you. You are a microcosm of the entire universe and your chart reveals what you came to embody. An astrologer uses their expertise to decipher this rich, yet cryptic language which utilizes planets, planetary alignments, stars, lunations, house divisions, essential and accidental dignities, debilities, and more to understand all the nuances in your chart.

A Rare Astrologer & Spiritual Practitioner


I believe in integrity and excellence which is why I am certified by three of the top Astrology organizations in the United States: AFA, NCGR, and ISAR. I am also a Certified Spiritual Advisor (aka Psychic-Medium) which gives me the additional advantage of strong Psychic abilities to fine-tune a reading. Oftentimes, I am able to get information that one not be obtainable in a regular Astrology reading.

I am what is called a "Psychic Astrologer," which is a rare type of Spiritual Practitioner. I take pride in the development of both the left and right brain — intuition and logic. 

I had a psychic astrology reading with Angel this morning and it was wonderful! Angel is very kind and calming, she made me feel very comfortable. The reading overall was very insightful and inspiring, it gave me the answers and clarity I wanted in order to know if I'm on the right track in life and how to make changes to better move toward my purpose. She went over my chart in details and answered questions at the end. It was very informative and reassuring. I'm looking forward to putting this knowledge to use and making positive changes in my career and spiritual practices. She even gave me some tips on supplements that could aid in stress management. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to learn about their natal chart and hear about patterns as well as a psychic reading! Thank you Angel, I'll be coming back soon!
Priscilla M.

Why have an Astrology Reading


Astrology readings, whether Natal (Birth Chart) or Predictive are a good way to get a detailed look into your soul plan, destiny, strengths, weaknesses with a time-honored ancient tradition that was traditionally only accessible to royalty, aristocracy or the very wealthy in the past. Now in modern times, it is available to all. Astrology is very different from other types of readings in the level of detail and specificity that it provides. Plus, it is interesting to see one's chart and to understand in a broad sense of what it holds. Sometimes, I will show you what things mean in your chart.


Also Astrology is a science — an empirical science based on thousands of years of observation, an exact science utilizing mathematics and astronomy and an applied science. It is like no other type of metaphysical reading in that it merges together thousands of years of human knowledge to a science that is profoundly revealing and eye-opening for your own illumination.

What to Do During an Astrology Reading


It is recommended that you take occasional notes and to listen to what is being said with an open and receptive mind. I will also ask for validation, and you can say, "yes, no, or I don't know in response to to information given. One can also provide brief clarification. Since there is so much ground to cover in the time given, it is important not to interject too often or provide too much information. I am there to provide the information. One should jot down anything that needs further clarification. There is also time at the end to provide feedback, commentary or to ask questions.

If one needs a space to talk or to freely express themselves, then I recommend Spiritual Talks which is more of a conversational format.


I had an intuitive and astrology with Angel. I have spoken to psychics before, but it was a different experience with Angel. She is so kind and insightful. Angel picked up on several things that let me know she has a true gift. I had never had an astrology reading and she patiently explained what she saw for the future. I would not hesitate to have another reading with Angel!


Any type of stand-alone Astrology reading including Natal, Predictive, Electional or Horary Astrology.


Astrology Reading


A Psychic Intuitive Reading combined with an Astrology reading that combines the best of both worlds.


Psychic & Astrology Combo

Two Kinds of Readings

Benefits of an Astrology Reading May Include:

Navigating the Present & Future

Knowing future influences
Seeing windows of opportunity
Help making critical decisions

Obtaining direction in life

Trust in the Cosmic Plan

Confirmation of preexisting hunches & feelings
Greater trust and conviction in life
Beneficial life shifts

Spiritual understanding

Detailed Insights

Knowing soul purpose
Realizing gifts, talents and potential

Clarity on perplexing decisions or situations
Answers on relationships



A Psychic Reading can deliver extraordinary information unobtainable by no other means while Astrology readings are known for their precision, depth and detail. Each aspect will highlight unique information that often reinforce the primary messages for your benefit.

Now for the first time, experience a reading combining two very different but complementary disciplines that enrich each other from an experienced, Certified Professional. Why combine both? Each type of reading has its unique strengths that are maximized in this session.

Readings For All Concerns

Career &

Gain deeper clarity on your strengths and challenges in regards to your career and income. Discover how to maximize your success and knowing whether your current path is in full alignment with your life goals and purpose.

Purpose &

A reading is a wonderful opportunity to gain clarity on what your soul's purpose is for this lifetime. Understand what you are here for, what you are learning and how you can achieve deeper fulfillment in these areas.

Love &

Know whether any significant relationships are a part of your future destiny or about the current issues and patterns in your present friendships, business partnerships or romantic partnerships.

Family &

Learn how to best navigate challenges with current or extended family including children. Uncover how to best handle situations for your own or their greatest well-being. Family and marital dynamics may be addressed in detail.

Healing &

Intentions are always set for information that clarifies, empowers and heals the recipient regarding current or past experiences. And in mediumship readings, one can connect with loved ones which provides powerful healing and closure.


Deeper information regarding one's soul's evolution, history and destiny may be uncovered in a reading. Gain understanding on why events have occurred and what this present incarnation means.

How Astrology Readings Work

Astrology is a Language of Symbols

Astrology uses symbols or "glyphs" to represent celestial bodies like planets, stars, houses and more along with their angular interrelationships which represent a type of energy. Western Astrology emphasizes more of the spatial relationship between bodies while other types of Astrology like Vedic or Mesoamerican are time-based.

These glyphs are spatially positioned on a wheel which represents the cosmos at a specific moment in space and time. The sections of the wheel like a pie represent subdivision of time which symbolize houses or areas of life for an individual. Here Mars occupies the thrid house and connect to the moon in the 7th.

On the right are some glyphs expressing a sample of the language. The first symbol the on the top left, could be read as "moon trine mars". In other words, the Moon is in a trine relationship with the planet Mars. A trine is mathematical subdivision of the circle into three parts and tends to have an easy, flowing energy. Thus the moon which represents emotions, instincts, home, family and feminine energies easily connects to Mars which represents action, energy and initiative. The end combination results in passion, actions driven by emotions, powerful emotions and dynamic activity around one's home, potentially with high interest in home renovating and real estate.

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